Meet Marcus
Pastor, Entrepreneur, Mentor, and Motivational Speaker
Marcus McAllister of “McAllister Consultancy and Training” is a nationally known speaker, consultant, and expert in the field of violence interruption. Since 2005, his work as a former National Trainer for Cure Violence, has helped the organization achieve its worldwide accolades, which includes being one of the top 9 global NGO and the number 1 NGO focused primarily on violence prevention.
From My Work
These are just some of the amazing places and teams I have worked with over the years from all over the world.
appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Golden Rule by the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative
Recipient of the W.A.R.R.I.O.R.S. award from the King of Kings Foundation
Congressional of Special Recognition for dedication to the success of 'Cure Violence'
Proclamation from the Council City of New York for outstanding achievements in helping others lead lives free from drugs and violence

“Marcus McAllister is a master trainer who utilizes a culturally competent and sensitive approach to provide training and technical assistance in the field of community violence intervention. His impact has touched the lives of thousands of individuals around the world.”
Dr. Chico Tillmon
Executive Director
Heartland Alliance

“Marcus brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the work of community violence intervention. He has the ability to walk into virtually any city and build credibility and trust with key stakeholders.”
Dr. Antonio Cediel
Managing Director
Live Free U.S.A.

“McAllister Consultancy & Training has leveraged decades of frontline experience and technical expertise to serve as a reliable partner and advisor for the Everytown Community Safety Fund and the gun violence prevention movement at-large.”
Michael Sean Spence, esq
Senior Director
Community Safety Initiatives
Everytown for Gun Safety
What I Do
Management 101 “Keys to successfully managing a Violence Prevention Program
Management Protocols for a Violence Prevention Team
Conflict Mediation Techniques
Community engagement for a Violence Prevention Team
Professionalism for Credible Messenger Staff
Public Health Approach to Violence
Community mobilization techniques
Communication Techniques in dealing with high-risk population
Developing a risk reduction plan
Engaging high-risk population
How to Create a violence reduction strategy
Mapping and block by block analysis of targeted high-risk neighborhood
Roles and responsibilities of Outreach Workers & Violence Interrupters
Anticipating and detecting violence on the front end.
The violence prevention movement History “yesterday, today, & the future”

How to start a violence prevention program
Lessons learned from running a violence prevention program
Budgeting for a violence prevention site
Adapting the public health approach to violence for your respective city/country
Assessment on-site visits to speak with potential stake holders & see what’s in place
The role of government & or city officials
What an RFP should entail
Potential funding streams
The various violence prevention models